

Yesterday was a very fun-filled day. I awoke and was busy from the start. First a lesson and then off to Amber's to create this:

This is us drawing on a big piece of butcher paper. We made Elder Stoddard a poster!

The finished product... I am dang proud of my Star Wars logo btw.

And I just love these girls so much that it really isn't funny. Words can't describe how much I love them. They are some of my best friends!

After this little adventure, I headed over to his house. While at Amber's, his sister texted me saying they had a present for me. SAY WHAT? So I headed over there on my way home to pick it up. And needless to say, I spent about 4 hours there. I just have too much fun with his little siblings! And we talked (his siblings and mom) for about 2 hours. It was so nice. That was the very first time I had been to his house and hung out with his family since he left. And honestly, it made it feel like things hadn't changed. I love his family as my own! They make me feel at home. They make him feel close and make things feel like they are bearable. I am grateful for them.
Except I'm not so grateful for his little brother, Wilson, for setting an insane high score on fruit ninja on my ipod. Just kidding! I still love him anyways.

Following this party, I headed home. About 10 minutes after arrival, Kari Kane (blog here) called me and said she was at my house to pick me up. The reason? This:


Kari and Lindsey (blog here) dressed up as 80's punksters. Dylan is, well, from the "cowboy" era (no one knows). And I chose to dress up as my most favorite era, which is the 40's. But really, I could be anywhere from the 20's to the 40's. Anyways. Here's us, just before we headed to the party.

And this is my getup. I couldn't help but snap a few pictures because I found myself to be very ridiculously good looking. Am I right?

What a day! Seriously one of the best yet. I got to hang out with pretty much EVERYONE that has a big impact in my life. From 2 incredible girls to my best friend's family to plenty of friends from high school. It was an outstanding day. And ending it with dressing up and dancing the night away was perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Love the editing of the pictures. Thanks for the mention. I loved your curls.
