
"i get by with a little help from my friends"

Food for thought:
If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you.

Although friends may be miles (and even countries) apart, the images of memories made will always stick.
And even if those friends return for a short time, it's like they never left.

Friends are the people that stick with you through thick and thin. They're there to see your successes and failures. They're there to share in incredible experiences. The way you make memories is by making an effort to do so.
It took effort to plan a way to ask boys to a dance over a 1 week period, 2 months in advance. It took effort to practice hard and participate in a music festival under the direction of our Church's most famous music director. It takes effort to practice and take first place in competitions in Disneyland. It takes effort to have fun. It takes effort to mend broken hearts and fix relationships. It takes effort to find the perfect dress. It takes effort to get together and have Star Wars marathons. It takes effort to ask a friend to borrow a dress that would make you feel stunning. It takes effort to get past your fears, audition, make it, and play with 9 other friends in the top orchestra in the state. It takes effort to study calculus and help others understand. It takes effort to bring milk and cereal every Thursday. It also takes effort to put on a Star Wars shirt and parade around the school with your best friends beginning a tradition. It takes effort to bring a lightsaber to school and battle on the front lawn. It takes effort to make it to the end of high school, sit on the stage with your best friends playing the best music in the world, then walk across the stage to conclude the best 3 years of your life.

But was it worth it?
Oh yes.

If you haven't played a game of miniature croquet, I highly suggest you do. Because 1. you don't get penalized for the amount of strokes you use (hallelujah) and 2. it's a great activity to do with friends and much less cliche than miniature golf.
After making the mistake of watching Dear John with my roommate last night, I texted a dear friend asking him if he wanted to do anything cause I was extremely bored (having already done my homework for next class). He immediately called me:
"We're going to play miniature croquet at the Riverwoods in Provo, do you want to come?"
Oh boy, did I. Afterwards, we got Little Caesars, came back to my apartment, and played Phase 10 for like 2 hours. I'd forgotten how much fun I can have with friends that I don't see as often.
And for those friends that aren't with us, there will come a time when we will reunite again. We have to. I mean, we have to make new memories. Even though the experiences of high school are gone and fading, we can remember them. And we can have more.

We just have to make the effort.

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