First off, my best friend of all time did a lot of moving today. He woke up at 4:20am, got all his suitcases in a bus, drove to the SLC airport, and flew to Dallas. From there he flew (or rather is currently flying) to London where he'll have an hour layover and then will be off to the Netherlands. He'll be there before I wake up in the morning.
His life for the next two years is in 3 suitcases and a backpack. After living his entire life in the United States, he will now reside in Belgium and the Netherlands for the next 22 months.
That's a rather big move if you ask me.
But he is so excited! He just can't wait to be over there and begin working. He's always been an example of a hard-working, dedicated young man.
Today I got to talk to him. Although I didn't get to personally talk to him, it was just incredible to hear his voice.
His wonderful family invited me over for the call, for which I cannot be more thankful. I am grateful they allowed me to share that with them. We talked with him for almost an hour and a half. He gave us a little taste of Dutch and he and his brother talked cars. Things haven't changed much, but he has grown spiritually and is ready to take on the next challenge in his life.
Kind of ironically, I made a move today as well, though not nearly as exciting and far out as his.
I packed up my bedroom along with plenty of kitchen supplies and food, and headed to Provo, Utah where I attend school. I now live in my own apartment.
I have moved out from under my parents' roof to live on my own. Quite an exciting move, for me at least.
Let me give you a tour of my apartment! It's not much and isn't decorated either, but it's nice and clean. Just the way I like things.
Upon entering for the first time, I found this sweet note my roommates left for me!,
Living room! Pretty bare, but notice the TV. Awesome.
Kitchen! My stuff is open ;)
Closet! It doesn't look like much, but I also have 4 drawers full of folded stuff.
My bed is the top one. Now you have to know me, I HATE the top bunk. But I really didn't have a choice...
And last but not least, the stuff on top of my dresser. It's not completely decorated how I want, but it's got the most important thing on it :)
Hey, we use the same cupboards :D